Sunday, July 14, 2013

Getting Better With Petunias

I have never been happy with my petunias. Despite efforts to deadhead them, I am always left with a leggy hideous display of spindly yuckiness.

This summer I determined I was going to figure out how to handle them. I have a neighbor who has such beautiful petunias and I asked her how she did it...She said whenever they look scraggly she just hacks them back. Then I read about a technique of cutting them back one third at a time, so you are never left with completely sheared plants. So I have been trying this technique and so far, so good. Will keep you posted.


Wednesday, July 10, 2013


Can't decide what to do with my Ramona Clematis. The Ernest Markhams are behaving themselves and producing a profusion of flowers...The Ramona...not so much! Just one little flower. Part of the problem might be that due to the fact that they are on a terrace, I have been hacking them back so I don't have a lot of unsightly leafless vines, or worse, vines covered in blackened dead leaves, all over the place in the winter. Maybe the Ramona needs old growth to get a decent first flush. We'll see what happens in a month or so. Maybe I can find a place where the dead looking vine won't be a problem and let this clematis do what it wants to do.

Ernest Markham, Ramona
Another pic of my new love. Very flower power '60's!

Saturday, July 6, 2013

I Am In Love!

Here it new love. These are the flowers I drew from imagination as a child, come to life. It's like I wished for them and then they appeared!


The clems have arrived but I haven't gotten a satisfying shot yet, so I will just post what I have. More to come.