Saturday, June 21, 2014

Park Slope Window Box

There was a whole row - five or six - of these lovely window boxes planted in front of a Park Slope restaurant...Subtle colors / big impact.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Found this on my way to my client in Williamsburg today. Love the ivy growing over the graffiti/mural


Monday, June 16, 2014

Little Bay Ridge Dream House

Here is my little dream house that I found when Bob and I were out on a walk in the hood.
It's pale yellow and the garden is exploding with blossoms. It is cheap by New York standards, but not by ours. Its for sale! Oh, and it was built in 1925.

Pretty in pink

This pretty barrel of flowers was sitting outside a restaurant in Carroll Gardens, looking very feminine! I would love to see it in a month, spilling over the sides. Will keep an eye out for it.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

I love June.



Basil and mint...the trick is not eating the plants down to a nub before they have a chance to produce a bountiful supply!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Hello Old Friend

      Ernest Markham

A combination of a hard winter and wicked brown scale infestation last summer took down two of my clematis, but this stalwart survivor stuck around. The conditions on the balcony are rugged - humid, windy, and hot hot hot as the summer deepens. So I am very impressed by this rugged little vine.